Washington’s new bishop begins to make the media rounds
The first of numerous interviews with the Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, who will be consecrated as the IXth bishop of Washington on Saturday morning, aired tonight on WJLA-TV.
The first of numerous interviews with the Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, who will be consecrated as the IXth bishop of Washington on Saturday morning, aired tonight on WJLA-TV.
The New York Times, in an article written by Benedict Carey, reports on a study that finds signs of full consciousness in three severely brain-injured
Last night, hundreds of Penn State students took to the streets to support Joe Paterno after he was fired over the child sex abuse scandal.
Vicar Adam Smallbone, the lead character in the BBC2 show “Rev”, is described as quite normal, and even a bit cool: something that real clergy
For Donne, true prayer is always answered because the Asker and the Giver are one and the same. In other words, God always answers prayer, because true prayer is the work of the Holy Spirit within us, having become our very own prayer, uttered in our own true voice.
If we can’t get the theme song down, what chance do we have to be so much as bit players in the whole new cosmic drama–the heartwarming story of true love realized across the earth that, as Paul reminds us, Jesus narrated with his life, death, and resurrection?