Sara Miles and Nadia Bolz-Weber – best one liners from lunch
I never understood the idea of taking all the good singers out of the congregation – @Sarcasticluther says their choir’s in pews #RNA2013
I never understood the idea of taking all the good singers out of the congregation – @Sarcasticluther says their choir’s in pews #RNA2013
Throughout my SNAP Challenge, I kept returning to the same questions: What kind of society do we want to live in? Do we want to live in a country that turns a cold shoulder to the problem of hunger, or one in which we work together to face it head on?
Birhan Woldu, the face of Ethiopia’s 1984 famine i working as a nurse and building schools for children. This is her story. From Why Poverty?
EfM: Education for Ministry):
Here’s my confession: I’m not really crazy about angels–at least, not the truck stop figurine renditions of them–and I’m always a little creeped out by that version. They’re just too glittery and sparkly and Tinkerbell-ish for my tastes.