Survey Round-up
Take a look at surveys recently released by the Public Religion Research Institute about the War on Christmas and then by the Barna Group on how folks personally define marriage.
Take a look at surveys recently released by the Public Religion Research Institute about the War on Christmas and then by the Barna Group on how folks personally define marriage.
Last SEP I wrote about the new community sponsored by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Community of St Anselm. The members of the community are now going on three and a half months of life together. The Prior of the Community has announced that he is now accepting applications for the second year of community members.
The Rt Revd David Walker is the Bishop Diocesan of Manchester in the Church of England. He recently conducted some research into why folks were attending church services. He enlisted the help of folks at Worcester and Lichfield Cathedrals and was able to survey 1150 people attending services.
The Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order met at Elmina, Ghana, from 2 to 9 December 2015. The Commission was generously hosted by the Church of the Province of West Africa and its Diocese of the Cape Coast.
Like the captives, we need to serve our time in captivity, so that we actually understand the blessings of living in freedom, in a pleasant land, and in peace and harmony with our neighbors far and near. Sometimes it seems like an impossible dream, but it’s what we can do rather than what we can’t is important.