London diocese tells stories of reopened churches

The Diocese of London has published a book (available here) recounting the stories of churches that have been re-opened or renewed.  The diocese has committed itself to reopening or renewing a hundred parishes in greater London.

Empty church buildings are ‘like an empty palace of a long-forgotten king – people walk past and think that the king is dead’. Our mission is to show London that the King is not dead, he is very much alive, through the creation or renewal of one hundred worshipping communities. By reopening closed doors and renewing worshipping communities we are showing the community that Christianity is a living, renewing faith.

“This publication, Buildings on Sure Foundations, tells stories of how buildings that lay locked and empty have been reopened through a commitment of time, money and energy from those who longed to see them filled by new worshipping communities.

It also records simple things: an open door, a new way of using a space, a new welcome to the community.”

Each community’s story is different, but all share an enthusiasm for evangelism and ministry and evidence of great commitment to make them vital centers of community once again.

Read the announcement here


image: St Luke, Oseney Crescent from the Diocese of London website

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