Saturday Roundup for April 6th

Here are the stories you don’t want to miss from the past week

Around the Episcopal Church
A meeting of Church Shoppers Anonymous hosted at a local Episcopal church in Casper, WY

An update from Tobias Haller’s Episcopal Visual Arts Project

The Diocese of South Dakota has added two additional candidates to their bishop’s slate, one is John Floberg who was an important leader in the Standing Rock protests and the second is a native American priest, Canon Robert Two Bulls

Trinity Episcopal Church, a largely unaltered 1834 church building In Society Hill, S.C. holds only one service each year


“Christian” Terrorism?
A really interesting series of articles on whether or not the ideology motivating the NZ shooter and others can rightfully be called Christian terrorism


More Responses to the ABC’s Lambeth own-goal
An update in the Lambeth invitations; Toronto area bishops (including Kevin Robertson, one of those affected) have released a statement saying that all five spouses will be attending

RNS coverage of Kent University’s invitation to same sex bishop spouses to stay during Lambeth in contradiction to the ABC’s wishes.

The Lambeth Awards celebrated 27 recipients who have made an extraordinary contribution to the Church and wider society


Three armed men charged into a diocesan office in Nigeria and killed the bursar (treasurer) who had just come from the bank and stole a large sum of cash.

South Sudanese president Salva Kiir and his main rival Riek Machar are expected to enter a spiritual retreat in the Vatican and led by the Pope as part of efforts at achieving a durable peace.


From the UK
From the Quirky Britain file; a new project is being taken up to record up to 20,000 Welsh grave elegies –  poetic inscriptions on headstones and written in Welsh to a strict and complex meter

Westminster Abbey is set to hold a service marking 50 years of the Royal Navy’s nuclear deterrent submarine patrols and they’re getting a lot of push-back.

In another Navy related story, the Anglican Church in the Indian Ocean is pressuring the UK to allow the return of indigenous people to the island of Diego Garcia. The UK keeps Diego Garcia as a huge base for the US Navy and Air Force where it supports American war-making in the Middle East


Yellow Vests and the Limits of Just Saying “No”
A good essay from Bp Whalon (Europe) linking the yellow vest protests to movements in other countries, such as Brexit, Trumpism, and protests in Haiti

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