It was 33 years ago today…

The Cafe baristas were reminded by “Caminante, no hay camino” blog that 33 years ago today the Episcopal Church’s

“General Convention voted to change the canons to allow for women’s ordination, thereby ‘regularising’ the ordinations in Philadelphia in 1974 and in Washington in 1975. Thirty-three years… the time that Christ in whom we believe walked on this earth. In these thirty-three years from 1976-2009 where have we landed?

Women clergy now make up about 20% of those ordained in The Episcopal Church. Only a handful of those are in charge of TEC’s largest congregations. How many women are deans of cathedrals right now? I think we can count that number on one hand — please correct me if I am wrong. And we have 14 women bishops.”

Caminante, no hay camino notes that “we have a long way to go yet.”

Amen to that.

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