The Diocese of California reports:
The Rt Rev Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California, announced today that he has accepted the resignation of the Rt Rev Steven Charleston as assistant bishop.
“We would like to thank Bishop Steven for his service to our diocese and for his leadership in The Episcopal Church,” Andrus said.
Charleston, who had previously served as Bishop of Alaska, and President and Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the author of the Genesis Covenant, a multi-faith alliance calling on denominations and religious institutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50%. Charleston plans to devote more energy to wider adoption of the Genesis Covenant.
Charleston joined the Diocese of California in July of 2008 where he has served as multicultural minister and as provost of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. He completes his ministry this weekend at two previously scheduled events.
“Suzanne and I have been grateful for the generous spirit and support we have received from so many people in the diocese,” Bishop Charleston says, “We will remember you all in our prayers as we hope you will remember us in yours.