Day: October 9, 2009

Bishop Steven Charleston resigns

The Rt Rev Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California, announced today that he has accepted the resignation of the Rt Rev Steven Charleston as assistant bishop. “We would like to thank Bishop Steven for his service to our diocese and for his leadership in The Episcopal Church,” Andrus said.

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Bishop Selby rejects the Covenant idea

Bishop Peter Selby, the former bishop of Worcester in England has written of his deep concerns regarding the proposed Anglican Covenant. He is afraid that its adoption would signal what others have suggested is a primarily structural solution to theological questions.

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CCAB rosters published

The rosters of the General Convention’s Interim bodies have just been posted here. The CCAB’s (Committees, Commissions, Agencies and Boards) are the groups that prepare

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Parish property in Pittsburgh: a clarification

The Stipulation requires that there be a dialogue between the diocese and any parish seeking to disaffiliate from the diocese regarding the disposition of property specifically held for or in the name of the parish, followed by mediation (where a neutral third party helps the parties resolve any disputes between them), before the diocese or the parish may resort to the courts to decide the dispute.

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Around One Table

The results of a major new study were announced yesterday regarding the perceived identity of the people of the Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Identity Project study represent four years worth of data gathering about how Episcopalians understand their Church, what matters to them and how they relate that to the larger world.

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Walking the way of the psalms

One, or perhaps “the” most marked trait of monastics of any stripe are their focus on the psalms as a primary way of prayer. Be it Benedictines chanting in choir or Jesuits whispering psalms to themselves as they go about the world, psalms are part and parcel of a monastic’s toolbox.

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Judge not

No one can write his real religious life with pen or pencil. It is written only in actions, and its seal is our character, not our orthodoxy. Whether we, our neighbour, or God is the judge, absolutely the only value of our “religious” life to ourselves or to any one is what it fits us for and enables us to do.

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