Giving in the USA

Huffington Post features Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Ted Turner on philanthropy and The Giving Pledge.

And lest you think only these three want rich people to give, Aid Watch reports that Americans want the US to spend 10 times current spending on aid or do they?


Interviews with Buffet, Gates and Turner below.

Over the summer, billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett announced The Giving Pledge, a commitment to donate the majority of their fortunes to charity — and to encourage other Americans to do the same.

Dozens of wealthy families have joined the pledge.

Bill and Melinda Gates have been named No. 1 on this year’s list of the world’s “best givers” as rated by the business magazine Barron’s and consulting firm Global Philanthropy Group.

Perhaps this is a sea change? Most studies show poorer people give more than richer people. What level of giving makes sense to you?

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