Sara Miles and Nadia Bolz-Weber – best one liners from lunch

The Religion Newswriters Association met last week. Saturday Sara Miles and Nadia Bolz-Weber spoke over lunch with the newswriters. Spokane Faith and Values reports:

Sarcastic, uncensored, best-selling author theologians headlined the luncheon at Saturday’s Religion Newswriters Association’stitled, “A smart-ass tattooed lady and a middle-aged sexual deviant talk about Jesus.”

You guessed it. We lunched with the Revs. Nadia Bolz-Weber and Sara Miles.

Bolz-Weber is the author best-selling book,”Pastrix” and is the pastor and founder of House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver. Miles is the director of St. Gregory’s Food Pantry in San Francisco and has penned several books including “City of God: Faith in the Streets,” expected to be released in January.

Read the twitter quotes here and at Twitter #RNA2013.

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