The Green Report

The Bishop of Ely has issued a statement commending The Green Report, a study on the development of senior clergy in the Church of England. Describing the priorities of the report, the Bishop notes

The framework prioritises:

  • Supporting bishops and deans in their discipleship and so enabling them in their ministry as confident leaders and evangelists releasing energy for mission and growth
  • Enabling bishops in their individual and collegial leadership of the Church and in the Nation
  • Developing those who may be called to senior posts in the near future and in years to come
  • Encouraging the importance of collaborative teams, both lay and ordained, as critical to the sustainable ministry of the Church
  • Developing the management skills of those in  senior posts to ensure that they can oversee resources, structures and people with confidence
  • Supporting more individual formation, including their discipleship and life of prayer, so that they are able to embrace these challenges.

The report sets out theological and organisational imperatives for greater attention to the agenda above.

He also addresses the issues of inclusion and diversity in senior clergy positions:

We particularly welcome the emphasis on the need for inclusion and diversity within this community. The passing of the measure necessary to enable the ordination of women to the episcopate, the Five Principles of the House of Bishops Declaration and sharing our hopes for greater BAME representation in senior posts is only the beginning. Declarations are easy, implementation is hard and we need to ensure that these commitments are lived out in action. The process of inclusion across senior posts requires preparation long in advance. It is essential that within a few years those making appointments of wider responsibility find a pool of people who are diverse, inclusive and all equally able validly to be considered in the process of the final stages of discernment and appointment.

The Rt Rev Stephen Conway, Bishop of Ely, was part of the Steering Committee that produced “The Green Report” and serves as Chair of the Development and Appointments Group (DAG) – a sub-committee of the House of Bishops with oversight of the development for senior clerical posts as well as the appointments processes to them.

Posted by Rosalind Hughes

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