Loads of what you know about the Nativity isn’t in the Bible

A recent survey in Britain showed that most people didn’t really know the biblical nativity story.  Instead, it showed that their knowledge of the Nativity was largely drawn from other sources, such as their home nativity set and Christmas pageants apparently.  The survey was done by the Bible Society, which exists to promote people’s engagement with the Bible.  You can read the story here .

The Bible Society also developed an online quiz as a way to engage people with the Biblical story.

Rachel Rounds from Bible Society said: ‘It’s a fiendishly difficult and fun quiz – not everyone at Bible Society got 10 out of 10. People think they know the Nativity from school plays and Christmas carols but we’d encourage them to delve into the Bible and look at what it really says – it might surprise them.

You can take the quiz here


posted by Jon White


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