Help support the Episcopal Café

The Episcopal Café is an independent voice, reporting and reflecting on the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. The Café aims to tell the story of progressive Christianity in the Anglican tradition. It is, at heart, a ministry of witness and testimony because we believe that following Christ compels us share the story of God’s work with and in the world.

But like all ministry, it needs the support of many to make it thrive. If you value what the Café offers then we invite you to be one of our supporters and make a donation.

Your donation will not only help us to provide the news, commentary and reflection you love, but will also enable us to expand our storytelling abilities. And it will ensure we have the technical support we need to continue improving our site so that you can easily access all of our great content.



We also thank all of those who have made a donation in 2014

Jesse Zink
Robert Williams
Kurt Wiesner
Jon White
Michael Way
Tim Sean Youmans
George Slenski
Joan Shelton
Ruth Ratliff
Ron & Isabel Ogden
James Naughton
George Nagle
Sara Miles
Edward Mathews
Morton Marts
Salin Low
Robert Lewis
Robert Kennedy
Benjamin Jones
Rosalind Hughes
Cynthia Hizer
Michael Hartney
Deirdre Good
Andrew Gerns
Edward Fordyce
Ann Fontaine
Christopher Epting
Lionel Deimel
Susan O Daniels
Philip Culbertson
John Chilton
Bruce Chandler
Joan Cesare
Eugenie Carr
Emmetri Beane

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