The issue of online behavior is one that comes up here at the Cafe’ often. It pops up in our discussions about comments, in deciding what stories to post (or not) and in our reactions to how others view our work. Our partners from Popping Collars recently devoted an episode to the issue. We have our own guidelines and journalistic ethics to guide us, and now the Bishop of Sheffield in the Church of England has offered a top ten list of Proverbs such as A gentle tongue is a tree of life but perverseness in it breaks the spirit (Proverbs 15.4) and A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver (Proverbs 25.11) to help us all be better online disciples.
from Bishop Croft’s blog;
People in Britain spend more time online than they do sleeping: 8 hours 41 minutes a day according to an Ofcom survey in 2014. That’s twice as much time as the average person spends watching television. The same “average” person checks their phone 113 times a day.
Last Sunday, I was asked to preach on the theme of being a disciple online at All Saints Church,
Woodlands, near Doncaster. What does the Bible have to say about how to be a Christian on Twitter or Facebook, in emails or texts? How are we salt and light in that part of God’s world?
posted by Jon White