#GC78: Bp Dan Martins to Youth – get off my lawn!!!

Yesterday, the Official Youth Presence were introduced to the House of Bishops and two members addressed the bishops briefly.

Here is what Bishop Andy Doyle of Texas tweeted.


But this is what Bishop Dan Martins of Springfield tweeted.

Not surprisingly, Bp Martins’ tweet did not elicit much support…

And a lot of negative feedback such as…

Bp Martins has since apologized.  Well, not really, but he definitely was sorry that everyone was angry and misunderstood what he was trying to say.

Surely someone as capable and intelligent as Dan Martins should have sense enough to expect such an ungracious and unkind comment would prove hurtful and damaging.  It is, frankly, shocking that a bishop of this church would have a heart so hardened as to casually utter such an un-constructive and mean-spirited comment.


posted by Jon White

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