Nominations opened for next Bishop for federal ministries

From the Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

[February 11, 2016] Nominees are being accepted for the Episcopal Church Bishop Suffragan for Armed Services and Federal Ministries. Based in Washington DC, the Bishop Suffragan for Armed Services and Federal Ministries is a member of the staff of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

The profile, filing information, and other important details are available here.

Deadline for submitting nominees is Monday, February 29. The election is slated for the fall meeting of the House of Bishops.

Bishop Suffragan James Magness, who announced his retirement in 2015, explained that federal chaplains serve those in the military, Veterans Administration hospitals, and federal prisons, providing spiritual and day-to-day support to service men and women overseas and stateside, veterans requiring medical services, and the incarcerated.

Christopher Weaver, Rear Admiral, US Navy-retired, is the chair of the search committee.  Members of the committee are: Major General Razz Waff, USA (Ret); Chaplain (Col) Paul Minor, USANG; Col Stephen Dalzell, USA (Ret); Chaplain (Col) Carl Andrews, USAF (Ret); Chaplain Marion Thullbery, Department of Veterans Affairs; Chaplain Christine Waweru, Federal Bureau of Prisons.

For more information contact Weaver at, or Maggie Mount

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