The Religion News Service draws on Pew Research data to ask what role religion will play in today’s Super Tuesday primary elections.
Nearly half of all Republicans in Super Tuesday states identify as evangelicals, it said.
Among Democrats, people with no religious affiliation are the largest group (25 percent) in three of the 11 states where the party is holding contests Tuesday. That includes 50 percent of Vermonters and the largest group of voters in Colorado and Massachusetts, according to Pew. …
“One of the big themes in the research is that people are looking for a type of protection,” said David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group. “They’re trying to find some kind of safety and security in a world that feels like it’s slipping away.”
Republicans tend to place more importance on religion than Democrats. The GOP is the party that has been more connected to people of faith, more oriented around theological conservatism, said Kinnaman.
Find out more at the Religion News Service and Pew Research. Super Tuesday election results are expected to begin rolling in after 7 o’clock tonight.
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