In the wake of the tragic shooting in Orlando, the anti-LGBT sentiment of many faith leaders is being called into account. Piers Morgan confronted the Archbishop of York, the Most Reverend John Sentamu, on the British morning program Good Morning Britain.
Invited on to the show to talk about the upcoming referendum on British withdrawal from the European Union, the Archbishop was put out when Morgan compared homophobia to racism, implying that the Archbishop’s opposition to same-sex marriage was evidence of homophobia
“This is the trouble I have with the people who argue that the question of sexuality is equal in terms of argument to the question of slavery.
“No, some of my relations died on the ships. Slavery was a very wrong thing.”
The Archbishop insisted that his opposition to gay marriage was not homophobic.
“I’ve got a lot of gay friends and they see me as a friend, as someone who wants to support and defend them against homophobia.”
You can watch the interview segment here
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