The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on the Study of Marriage is surveying people and congregations who have used the “Dearly Beloved” toolkit created in the wake of the 2012 General Convention.
The survey
seeks to find out how congregations and groups across the Episcopal Church have used, or have not used, a resource on marriage created in 2014 by the Task Force on Marriage. The resource, “Dearly Beloved,” was a toolkit designed to be used in discussion groups across the Church about the topic of marriage and blessings, and it was encouraged for use in 2014 and 2015.
You can see a copy of Dearly Beloved online at and [it] can be downloaded there.
General Convention in 2015, through Resolution A-037, encouraged the continued use of Dearly Beloved, and the Task Force on the Study of Marriage that currently is serving wants to see how widely the resource has been used so far.
Multiple people from the same congregation or group may complete the survey. Because it asks for your thoughts on how the resource was used, or was not used, in your context, every response will help give us a more complete picture.
Do you have an experience with the Dearly Beloved toolkit that would be useful to the Task Force? Access the survey either in English, or in Spanish.