Ohio governor and former Episcopalian (now ACNA Anglican), John Kasich has vetoed the “Heartbeat Bill” which would ban all abortions after detection of a fetal heartbeat with few exceptions. According to his veto message,the Governor’s primary objections to the bill were financial.
“Certain provisions that were amended into Am. Sub. HB 493, however, are clearly contrary to the Supreme Court of the United States’ current rulings on abortion.
Similar legislation enacted in two other states has twice been declared unconstitutional by federal judges, and the Supreme Court declined to review those decisions. Because the federal courts are bound to follow the Supreme Court’s rulings on abortion, the amendment to Am. Sub. HB 493 will be struck down. The State of Ohio will be the losing party in that lawsuit and, as the losing party, the State of Ohio will be forced to pay hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to cover the legal fees for the pro-choice activists’ lawyers.”
He also objected to the additional costs of setting up the adoption promotion programs called for in the bill;
“This item appropriates an additional $100,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Jobs and Family Services (“the Department”) for adoption services. While I strongly support the promotion of adoption and have worked to expand adoption supports and efforts in my Administration, the Department currently has sufficient funds in the current budget for these purposes. Accordingly, additional appropriation for adoption services is not warranted at this time.”
Kasich reaffirmed his pro-Life position though and did sign another bill which would ban abortions after 20 weeks with exceptions for medical emergencies that endanger the woman, but not for rape or incest. This would be a change to Ohio Law that currently bans abortions after 24 weeks, but with exceptions for rape. incest, and the mother’s life. According to the Columbus Dispatch, only 145 of the nearly 21,000 abortions performed in Ohio last year occurred after 20 weeks.
In a statement, Kasich said;
“I agree with Ohio Right to Life and other leading, pro-life advocates that Senate Bill 127 (the 20-week ban) is the best, most legally sound and sustainable approach to protecting the sanctity of human life.”
The “Heartbeat Bill’s” most ardent supporter, Janet Porter of Faith2Action, immediately denounced Kasich’s “betrayal of life” and promised to launch an effort to override the governor’s veto.