Breakaway Diocese of South Carolina to join ACNA

On Saturday, the Diocese of South Carolina voted unanimously to join the Anglican Church of North America. The diocese separated from the Episcopal Church in 2012. The vote was cast at the diocese’ 226th convention, held in Summerville, SC. The Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, bishop of South Carolina said of the decision to affiliate with the ACNA, “I believe God has called us to this and I believe we will find a deeper richness in our vocation; fuller fellowship in the Spirit; a more zealous thrust in mission.  But most of all, I believe a door will be opened, the fresh winds of the Spirit will blow, and a caged eagle will soar.” The Diocesan statement is here.

The diocese is currently involved in two lawsuits with The Episcopal Church in South Carolina, the group of churches in South Carolina that chose to remain with the Episcopal Church in 2012, over the use of the diocesan seal, name, and property. The Episcopal Cafe has been following these lawsuits closely, most recently reporting on them here.

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