Resolve War: Forgiveness, Not Punishment

Forgiveness Will End the LRA War – Clergy

Henry Mukasa, Kampala reports that “Ugandan and Sudanese clergy have recommended forgiveness, not punishment, as a means to resolve the 20-year-long war in northern Uganda.”

After inter-denominational prayers held at All Saints Cathedral Juba on Saturday, the religious leaders argued that accountability, repentance and forgiveness would more effective by healing the scars of the war in the region.

The acting Archbishop of the Episcopal Church of Sudan, Natalian Deng, said Ugandans needed to reconcile with the LRA just like Jesus reconciled bitter enemies: the Jews and the Gentiles.

“I pray that God brings that reconciliation to Juba (venue of the talks),” he said at the prayers which were organised by the Sudan Council of Churches and the Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC).

“We are one people. I don’t know why we are suffering. We must unite and forget our suffering. Anything someone did to you, forget it,” Deng implored.

Ugandan Archbishop Yonah Lwanga said UJCC had recommended alternative (traditional) justice for the rebels instead of the punishment that the International Criminal Court is seeking.

Lwanga explained that the recommendations were contained in their booklet, A Framework for Dialogue on Reconciliation and Peace in Northern Uganda.

Read it all Here.

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