First ever church-wide fundraising campaign announced

For the first time ever, the Episcopal Church is launching a direct fundraising campaign.  The campaign was announced by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in a letter to the whole church.

“I write to share some of the ways we, together as the Episcopal Church, witness to the loving, liberating, and life-giving way of Jesus Christ, and to ask for your financial support through this first Annual Appeal,” he writes. “Your gift or pledge to the Annual Appeal will directly impact our life and witness as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement.”


Titled the Episcopal 2018 Annual Appeal, the campaigns goals are to support ministries of the Presiding bishop’s office such as Evangelism, Racial Reconciliation, Episcopal Migration Ministries, and military chaplaincies.  The whole list can be found in the brochure here (pdf).


Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry has announced the launch of The Episcopal 2018 Annual Appeal and calls upon Episcopalians throughout the church to participate.


President of the House of Deputies, Gay Clark Jennings, also invited the whole church to participate, noting the power of collective effort;

“When we work together, we can better proclaim the gospel in communities across the church, support our chaplains in federal ministries, and advocate in Washington DC for justice and peace.  I invite all Episcopalians to join me in supporting this annual appeal that will make more ministry possible across the Episcopal Church.”


The Presiding Bishop also reiterated that this wasn’t intended to undermine, in any way, support of ministries at the local level;

“There is no doubt that each of us must continue to give generously to our local parishes, dioceses and the ministry commitments close to our hearts. These are all critical expressions of The Jesus Movement. Today I am asking that you also give or increase your support for ministries that serve the whole church.”


To Donate

Donations to The Episcopal Church 2018 Annual Appeal can be made by going here, calling 212.716.6002, or text APPEAL to 51555.


The following is the Presiding Bishop’s letter:


Dear Friends,

Today, I write to share some of the ways we, together as The Episcopal Church, witness to the loving, liberating, and life-giving way of Jesus Christ, and to ask for your financial support through this first Annual Appeal.

Most of the Church’s ministry is done by dioceses and local congregations and ministries, and your support of these is vitally important to the work of Jesus in the world. But there are some ministries that only can be accomplished by the entire Church working together. Here are a few examples:

Our Office of Government Relations seeks to represent the moral voice of our Church in Washington, D.C., before the councils of government. The office hosts a morning prayer service for legislators and their aides and staff, bringing Episcopalians together across the aisle to rest, pray, and listen for God’s guidance in their lives and the work they do.

Our Armed Forces and Federal Ministries support chaplains serving in the military, VA hospitals, and federal prisons. Most of this work is with people ages 18-30. Our presence brings spiritual healing and comfort to people who need to know God’s love in a troubled world.

Our Evangelism Ministries have helped Episcopalians to rethink and reclaim the sharing of the Good News. Our Episcopal Revivals campaign has trained more than 1,000 diocesan leaders to practice evangelism (in English and Spanish), welcomed more than 5,000 people to discover new and renewed life with Jesus, and gathered 200,000 participants on Facebook. This spring, we will host the second Evangelism Matters conference and launch the Beloved Community Story-Sharing Campaign, a churchwide effort to share and welcome stories of faith, race, and difference.

This Annual Appeal is intended to support ministries that can only happen when we work together as a whole Church. Why do I make this appeal now? The dioceses of our Church are generous in their giving to support churchwide ministry, and income from endowments is steady; however, the work before us requires more.

Please prayerfully read the stories in this booklet about these ministries. I hope they inspire and energize you as they do me. We will continue to share these narratives with you throughout the year.

Then I hope you will join me, House of Deputies’ President Gay Jennings and the Executive Council, along with the staff of The Episcopal Church as we launch this annual campaign to support the whole Church’s work. Your gift or pledge to the Annual Appeal will directly impact our life and witness as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement.

Yours in Christ,

The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry

Presiding Bishop and Primate

The Episcopal Church

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