Give it 4 Good

Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation are asking people to use all or some of their economic stimulus checks to make a gift to something that will help others around the world. According to their press release:

Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation invites you to become part of a movement for economic sanity and moral accountability.

Join others across the nation and give 100%, 10% or even 0.7% of next month’s so-called “economic stimulus” check to an organization of your choice working to acheive the Millennium Development Goals.

Just visit Give it 4 Good to find out how.

At Give it 4 Good, you will find resources for deciding where to give, advocacy actions, how to spread the word, resources for starting conversations about consumerism in your congregation and family … and much more.

Once you have taken the pledge, spread the word. Email your friends and family and tell them you have taken this important step. Let the people at the nonprofit you have designated know so they can encourage others to Give It 4 Good. Put a button on your website and a flier in your congregation.

Go to the site — and take the pledge. Then keep checking back to see who has Given it 4 Good, how much has been given and where the money is going to Make Poverty History.

On the first day of the campaign 91 people took the pledge and at least $23,454 has been pledged for the MDGs. A Facebook site is here.

Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation (EGR) is a small organization of Episcopalians … a grassroots movement of connection and collaboration for creative ministry following Christ by heeding his call to seek & serve him in the extreme poor around the world. Focusing on the Millennium Development Goals as a vehicle for this ministry EGR offers resources for action for individuals, churches and communities.

See the MDGs below:

The Millennium Development Goals

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.

2. Achieve universal primary education.

3. Promote gender equality and empower women.

4. Reduce child mortality.

5. Improve maternal health.

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.

7. Ensure environmental sustainability

8. Create a global partnership for development with targets for aid, trade and debt relief.

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