Colin Coward of Changing Attitudes relates an incident that took place this morning as the ACC was resuming its work. He saw a Nigerian bishop delegate meeting with some credentialed press members outside the meeting and took a picture. But the bishop’s reaction was one of fury according to Coward.
The bishop in question followed Coward into the press room and demanded his camera saying that his picture was taken without his permission. Coward reports that the tone and physical presence were very threatening.
Among people with whom the bishop was photographed meeting with was Canon Chris Sugden, a strong English conservative ally of the Nigerian Province.
While there’s no question that people have the right to meet with any advisor they with to meet with, even if they are attending the meeting not as participants but rather as press, Coward writes:
“The incident raises a number of very serious issues. Why was he so angry at having his photograph taken in a public place? I have taken several pictures of him in the meeting room, where there are rules about taking photographs that I have signed to comply with, but I haven’t as yet used them.
Why was he so angry at having his picture taken in that context. What does he have to hide? Well, I can guess, and normally, the conservative strategy is to hire rooms in an adjoining hotel and hold meetings away from the public gaze.
Having failed to get what they wanted from Friday’s debate on the Covenant (just read the conservative web sites, blogs and commentaries), their next move would be to come up with a strategy today designed to sabotage this meeting or impose their own will.”
Read the full article here (and see the picture in question).