A positive solution proposed

Updated again, Friday Morning 6/26/09: The Episcopal Community of the Daughters of the King has proposed alternative by-law changes that would both strengthen the Order of the Daughters of the King connection to the Episcopal Church and provides a way that cares for chapters that belong to other denominations. Their proposal also provides a way forward for those members who have left the Episcopal Church to form their own versions of the Order under a “license”.

Carol Campbell wrote an explanation to fellow members of the Order:

The Episcopal Community has developed an alternative to the ecumenical proposal. The group are past national, provincial, and diocesan presidents and other leaders who feel we are best served by remaining in the Episcopal Church where we have been for over 100 years. This package of bylaw “amendments to the amendments” does three important things.

(1) It provides that the original order be preserved by making it clear that our business is run by only Episcopal members.

(2) The National Chaplain shall also be an Episcopal Bishop, and not just any denominations’ clergy. The selection process is very collaborative. And,

(3) it provides a way for our oneness in the spirit to be expressed in all the joint activities with other parallel orders we can peacefully have, with the consent of the respective bishops.

As each denomination forms its’ own order there is no conflict for office holders in upholding their own church. Likewise, each order runs its’ own business affairs. Each group would have its’ own chaplain and be accountable only to its’ own denomination. This is much clearer and cleaner than trying to have a non-voting class of members within our order. Everyone’s identity is respected, not just the Episcopal daughters. If at some future time we can come together and form an umbrella organization the door is open for that possibility. In the meantime, we can express our common roots in this Order by giving other groups permission to continue the use of our cross, similar name, etc. That permission is called a “license.” Wherever relationships are loving and in keeping with our purposes, they may continue. We pray for God’s blessing on both our separate business, and our togetherness in serving the same Lord. Far from pulling inwards, we are in fact reaching out in respect and love to support the equality of all.

Mimi Crosby writes:

The most important change is in Article III Section 1. Members are defined as Episcopalian. Instead of having affiliates, voting or non-voting, or international branches, we have asked all other groups to go ahead and form their own orders. We will license/give permission to them for the use of the cross, name, etc. which belong to the DOK Order. In the licensing agreement we can cover the details of the working relationship and can even tailor it to specific needs of various foreign cultures if necessary. (Yes, the new National Council will need legal help in developing this and no, it is not appropriate to have the details in the bylaws. This does not in any way affect our Charitable (501-C-3) status or put us into a business. License simply means permission.)

Each group, including ours, must be responsible to the priests and bishops we have vowed to uphold. If the bishops agree, we can have all the joint activities we have ever had and more. We are NOT asking people to give up long standing friendships. By asking the bishops’ permission we avoid making our own “foreign policy” separate from that of our denomination. We can fall back on the extensive work The Episcopal Church has done in reaching out to others around the globe and we do not have to reinvent the wheel.

New: Nine Bishops from Province IV, have released a letter supporting the Episcopal Community proposed by-law changes. Please read it here.

This is a comparison of the Episcopal Community proposal compared with existing by-laws and the ones set forth by the DOK executive council.

See our previous stories about the DOK here, here, and here.

Read the proposed by-laws here and three explanatory cover letters here, here, and here.

Here are the By-laws as proposed by the current National Council of the DOK.

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