A rapid descent

Updated: The letter is now online. (Hat tip: Frank)

Updated again: And now a response from the senior warden.

Paul Asay of the Colorado Springs Gazette has been doing must-read coverage of the controversy surrounding the Rev. Don Armstrong, executive director of the Anglican Communion Institute, which just a few month ago seemed to have the Anglican Communion eating out of its hand. Asay contributes to the blog Faith at Altitude, and he’s got two fresh entries worth reading online right now.

One concerns a letter that will appear in tomorrow’s Gazette from 19 former vestry members at Grace Church and St. Stephen’s, Armstrong’s parish, questioning Armstrong’s conduct.

From the blog:

“(The Rev. Donald) Armstrong is exploiting theological divisions within the Episcopal Church to avoid a canonical investigation about his alleged financial wrongdoing,” the letter says. “He has defied church and civil law by occupying and taking property from the church he and his allies left. We cannot keep silent.”

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