The Communion Partner / Anglican Communion Institute statement covered here throughout the day has been now been released by ACI: Bishops’ Statement on the Polity of the Episcopal Church.
The Bishops’ statement is signed by: The Right Reverend James M. Adams, Jr. (Bishop of Western Kansas), The Right Reverend Peter H. Beckwith (Bishop of Springfield) The Right Reverend William C. Frey (Assisting Bishop of Rio Grande; Retired Bishop of Colorado), The Right Reverend Alden M. Hathaway (Retired Bishop of Pittsburgh), The Right Reverend John W. Howe (Bishop of Central Florida), The Right Reverend Russell E. Jacobus (Bishop of Fond du Lac), The Right Reverend Paul E. Lambert (Bishop Suffragan of Dallas), The Right Reverend Mark J. Lawrence (Bishop of South Carolina), The Right Reverend Edward S. Little II (Bishop of Northern Indiana), The Right Reverend William H. Love (Bishop of Albany), The Right Reverend D. Bruce MacPherson (Bishop of Western Louisiana), The Right Reverend Edward L. Salmon, Jr. (Retired Bishop of South Carolina), The Right Reverend Michael G. Smith (Bishop of North Dakota), The Right Reverend James M. Stanton (Bishop of Dallas), The Right Reverend Don A. Wimberly (Bishop of Texas)
It is also endorsed by: The Reverend Canon Professor Christopher Seitz, The Reverend Dr. Philip Turner, The Reverend Dr. Ephraim Radner (The Anglican Communion Institute, Inc.)
In a separate post at ACI’s website Seitz discusses the emails first revealed by Mark Harris. The entire email trail has now been published by the Washington Blade (here is the Blade’s report). Seitz writes, “Mr Harris has put before the public email communications that are not addressed to him, but are fully consistent with this larger goal of maintaining the witness of the Anglican Communion and the role of The Episcopal Church as integral within that.”
Seitz is playing the honor card when it was his group who hatched this plan to undermine Bishop O’Neill (Colorado) and put names of people on the document they were circulating who hadn’t signed on the document in order to pressure fencesitters.
The Lead’s previous coverage today:
More on ACI/Communion partners scheme
ACI declaring dioceses independent?
Integrity publishes CP/ACI draft document
Tobias Haller comments here