Day: April 22, 2009

Tobias Haller on the ACI statement

The paper makes the curious argument that because the dioceses that formed the original Episcopal Church were independent prior to entering into union with each other, they somehow maintain that independence. … One might just as well say that because a couple were single before marriage that they retain their independence afterward.

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ACI releases statement

The Communion Partner / Anglican Communion Institute statement covered here throughout the day has been now been released by ACI: Bishops’ Statement on the Polity

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Breaking III: Integrity publishes CP/ACI draft document

“We have been given a look at ’the men behind the curtain’ manipulating a schism driven agenda while professing to work transparently for reconciliation”, said Integrity President Susan Russell. “To quote one long-time ally’s response to these documents, ‘This is stunning. It is remarkable to think about the plotting that is going on. In many ways I am just too naïve.’”

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The long shadow of slavery

If you want to say someone is not to be trusted in Fon, a language spoken in coastal Benin and Togo, the best phrase to use translates as “This person will sell you and enjoy it.” The Fon region was, tellingly, one of the historical epicenters of the transatlantic slave trade. That era’s legacy of mistrust endures today.

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Breaking II: More on ACI/Communion partners scheme

email: On the second purpose of the Bishops’ Statement—to serve as a resource for the litigation and the expert testimony—the general principle is the more support the better, although on this front, it is the bishops’ signatures that matter the most. The only thing that would hurt is a format that implies more signatures should have been attached, e.g., if your statement were open to all rectors but only a handful actually signed on.

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Breaking: ACI declaring dioceses independent?

Mark Harris: a paper signed by a number of bishops connected to the “Communion Partners” and prepared by the Anglican Communion Institute will challenge the notion that dioceses of TEC are part of TEC in any other way except by voluntary association, and that therefore they are free to independently subscribe to the Anglican Covenant and maintain pastoral visitation and oversight independent of any agreement with TEC or its leadership.

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Suffer the little children, and their parents, too

I have read much about Jesus’ openness to children. In his day and time children were not of much more value than cattle, if that much. So for Jesus to permit children to “bother” him was different enough to merit a mention. It is also, in my opinion, proof of Jesus’ celibacy. Only a really cool uncle would say such a thing about children. Of course, Jesus never said such a thing directly to my youngest son.

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To touch your wounds

For a long time I felt jealous of your disciples who saw your pierced side when you appeared to them, and of Thomas who was allowed to touch your wounds. Often I thought, “How much easier would it have been to believe in you and give myself to you without reservation if I could just have been there with them!” But even as I think this way, I know already that I am fooling myself and looking for an excuse to keep my distance from you.

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