Updated at 10:10AM: Simon Sarmiento has a second post showing how those behind the scheme see it relation to Bishop Duncan’s legal wrangle in Pittsburgh. After quoting from the email exchanges amongst the parties Sarmiento concludes: “So it is not entirely clear to me how far the CP members are distancing themselves from those who have left TEC for ACNA.”
This March 12th statement from the Anglican Communion Institute, signed by The Rt. Reverend D. Bruce MacPherson (Communion Partner Bishops) and by members of ACI, concerns how ACI’s view of Episcopal Church polity applies to the case in Pittsburgh.
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Just under two hours ago The Lead posted news broken by Mark Harris on the preparation of a document by the Anglican Communion Institute that will argue dioceses of the Episcopal Church are free to secede.
Simon Sarmiento at Thinking Anglicans now has more: Communion Partners forge ahead. In his post, Sarmiento gives links to the Communion Partners, recent ACI statements, and links on the recent ACI/CP conference in Houston.
Like Harris, he provides email quotations amongst the players. Sarmiento focuses on a discussion. In his words
The CP bishops and ACI also plan to press ahead with a plan for a priest in Colorado, named as The Revd. Theron Walker, Rector of St Philip In the Field, Sedalia, to request a visitation from the Bishop of South Carolina, as a CP Bishop.
In February Walker wrote The Property Rights and Responsibilities of an Episcopal Parish; see also this and this.
Stay tuned.