“Amazing” Advent

Photo credit: ACNS

The Anglican Communion News Service reports on the “amazing” response to the invitation to create an online Advent calendar of words and images.

#AdventWord is an initiative developed with the ideas and support of the Anglican Communion Office, The Episcopal Diocese of Texas, the Office of Communication of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican/Episcopal monks of the Massachusetts based Society of Saint John the Evangelist (SSJE). #Adventword is an expansion of SSJE’s daily meditation “Brother, Give Us a Word”.

The Advent word meditations are posted daily by the community of SSJE. Responses are invited in the form of images from subscribers and visitors. The words and images come together to form a global online Advent calendar.

While many images have come from North America, Director for Communications at the Anglican Communion Office Jan Butter said,

posts have been coming in from right around the world. This demonstrates that the Internet is truly a space where members of the Anglican Communion enjoy fellowshipping, praying and expressing their faith regardless of their location or cultural background.

The response has been huge, with over 7,000 images received. The Advent Calendar has been viewed over 30,000 times and posts with the hashtag #adventword have garnered over 1 million views across social media platforms. The project team is already thinking about how to expand participation next year.

See more and sign up to receive the daily calendar.


Posted by Rosalind Hughes

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