An amended version of Resolution D025 has passed the House of Bishops. It must now be re-passed by the House of Deputies because it has been amended. I don’t think the amendments will present a problem to the deputies.
Here is the amended resolution.
A relatively complete roll call follows as well the conclusion of my live blog of the debate. The Presiding Bishop voted yes.
Reed No
Fry No
Charles Yes
Mc Al No
Kimsey Yes
Donovan Yes
Long Island Yes
SE Fl Yes
VA Yes
Laddahoff Yes
Skinner Yes
Williams A Yes
Gray Francis
Rowthorne No
Long Island Yes
Borsch Yes
Ecumenical Yes
Turner Franklin
Harris Yes Barbara
Quincy Yes
Johnson Yes
Hampto Yes
Central Fl No
Asst LA Yes
Aslmon No
Kaisar Yes
Williams H Yes
Suffragan LA Yes
Asst Chgo Abstain
CA Asst Yes
Prov San Joaquin Yes
Marlbo0 Yes
Springfield No
Dallas No
Haiti No
Payne Cl
Kentucy Fort Worth YES
Fon Du Lac NO
Mass Yest
Litoral No
Suff S. Ohio Yes
Upper SC Yes
VA No?
NY Suff Yes
RI- No
Dominican No
CT- Yes
Utah- Yes?
Bethlehem Yes
E. Carolina Yes
Alabama No
W Mass Abstain
Chane Yes
Michel Yes
Indanapolis Yes
Qyoming Yes
LA (Jenkins, I think) No
W MO Yes
Knudesn Yes
NYC- Yes
Delaware Yes
Maryland Suff NO
E Tn Yes
Percell Yes
W NY- Yes
Asst Atlanta- Yes
Michigan Yes
Suff Chap No
N Indiana No
LA (Bruno, I think) Yes
NC Yes
Asst NC Yes
Lexington Yes
Suff CT Yes
Central Yes
Taiwant No
PB Yes
Mass Suff Yes
VT Yes
W TN- yes?
Atlanta Yes
Colombia No
Honduras No
C NY Yes
Europe Yes
CA Yes
MO Yes
W Kansas No
Wash Yes
Mass Suff Yes
Easton No
Iowa Yes
Puerto Yes
Nebraska Yes
Montana Yes
Texas Sff No
Colo Yes
NJ Yes
Milkwaukee No
NH Yes
Kansas Yes
W Texas No
Arizaona No???
Ohio Yes
N Dakota No
W NC Yes?
Olympia Yes
San Diego Yes
Virgin Islands- No?
W Texas Suff No
E Michigan Yes
Albany No
N Calif Yes
Suff Texas No
C PA Yes
Arkasas Yes
Newark Yes
Hawaii Yes
S Ohio Yes
Coadjutro VA No
Conneticut Yes
Nw PA No
Oklahoma No
Olympia Yes
El Camino Yes
Nevada Yes
Suff ALA No????
Chicago Yes
Asst NJ Yes
Maine Yes
Rochester Yes
Maryland yes
Dallas Suff No
Idaho Yes
Texas No
S VA Yes
NW Texas-????
99 yes 45 no 2 abstain passes House of Bishops.
Evening presser has begun. Hoping to have the roll call soon.
Ernie Bennet of Central Florida: The bishop of Ecuador Central was confirmed after passionate discussion about whether the process was fair.
Sally Johnson on Minnesota: The deputies passed Title Iv, based on nine years of work. very, very solid majority without amendment. This is a very big deal to clergy.
On to the questions.
Kim Lawton of PBS: what message does D025 send in US and around world.
Bishop Michael Smith: hesitating because exhausted. Have come straight from the floor. Hope people will understand we are struggling with a difficult issue. Hard to know what to do when people of two different minds. But we are staying together to work this out.
Bishop Stacy Sauls: That the Episcopal Church is serious about including all people and that when we say we welcome everybody we mean it. But that our Anglican partners will understand we are struggling to be faithful to them as well.
Bishop Sauls: The thing that I know about Anglicanism, which I am sure the Archbishop of Canterbury knows (per the question) that there is not a centralized authority. That’s one of the key things about Anglicanism.
Bishop Smith: there is a fundamental disconnect between our different understandings of what it means to be Anglican. Does autonomous mean independent or self-governing, but interdependent.
Bishop Sauls: this resolution doesn’t open the door for GLBT people to become bishops because the door has never been closed. B033 hasn’t changed, but it never had the power to prohibit. (My two cents, it was a reflection of a political reality, that given events in the Communion, a GLBT candidate simply wasn’t going to get confirmed. That may still be true, but an impediment to changing that reality has been removed. So now–horrors–we have to trust the judgment of our dioceses, bishops and standing committees to do the right thing.
Ian Douglas: I don’t think it is appropriate to look at D025 separate from the choices before the committee. Repeal? No. Re-state or strengthen the canons? no. say simply where we stand. Yes.
Sally Johnson: the version passed by the bishops will go back to the world mission committee of the house of deputies. The committee will recommend concur, defeat, further amend. It will be on our floor with all the options open to us.
Bishop Sauls: hopes D025 clarifies some of the misinterpretations of B033, which was never a moratorium but was portrayed as one, and, therefore, in some respects began to function as one.
Bishop Sauls again on a question about the response of the Archbishop of Canterbury, which, at least initially, has been negative. Says he isn’t sure the ABC knows what the resolution says.
Ian Douglas: He says that while the Archbishop of Canterbury’s initial public reaction was negative, there has been some communication with the ABC about what the resolution really means. Adds: In order to be in full communion we need to be honest. Honesty leads into communion and not a facile understanding of church relationships.
Ernie Bennett: remembers the nine clergy and their wardens who came to him as canon to the ordinary in Central Fla to say they were leaving. That hurt, so that is part of the reality, too.