AMiA Comments on Lambeth Invitations

The leadership of the AMiA (Anglican Mission in the Americas) have released a statement commenting on implications of the issued and with-held invitations to the 2008 Lambeth Conference.

They say in part:

“The Archbishop [of Canterbury] seems to signal his unconditional support for continued full inclusion of TEC bishops, regardless of how they ultimately choose to respond to repeated demands and conditions of the Primates of the Anglican Communion, most recently voiced in their Dar es Salaam Communiqué.

In light of the overwhelming evidence of the Global South’s clarity and numerous warnings, by issuing Lambeth invitations to ECUSA Bishops prior to the release of their final response to the Primates’ concerns and demands for repentance (due September 30th), Archbishop Williams’ actions can be interpreted as preemptive and even dismissive. This seems to indicate he takes the Global South’s continued support for granted.

I [the Rt. Rev. Charles Murphy] consider this decision as a demonstration of the ongoing crisis of faith and leadership that exists in this Communion, and I believe that it will have serious consequences in view of our Lord’s teaching that a ‘house divided simply cannot stand.’”

Read the full statement here.

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