A cradle Anglican from Canada writes on the church and its message for those looking for a place to worship and finding a spiritual home:
“Traditional churches like the Anglican Church can’t afford not to
change with the times. Lots of people my age and younger aren’t cradle
Anglicans or cradle Baptists, or what have you. Even if they are, they
join their unaffiliated peers and go church-shopping, comparing
different service and churches until they find one where they fill (sic)
fulfilled and comfortable. Does the Anglican Church really want to
start turning people away because it’s hung up on tradition and rules?
But that’s really a practical concern. More pressing is the question
Cruikshank posed rhetorically: Do we want to treat people as human or
sub-human? ”
These are the feelings of Gen-x and y folks trying to win their peers back to a church where they can find a place with God that isn’t going to bash them over the head with dogma, sola scriptura or the gospel of selfishness.
Read it all HERE