Seeing as how Texas is the fourth leading state in commercial pumpkin production, it only makes sense that Episcopalians there would seek to create a revenue stream from them.
So. Who’s selling pumpkins this year?
- St. Matthew’s, Henderson, TX certainly is – though you can also stroll through them, take photos, or take your preschoolers down to the patch at no cost.
- St. Richard’s, Round Rock, TX is on board, too – and it bills itself as the “Pumpkin Church in Round Rock.”
- Holy Cross, Sugar Land, TX has had its oar in the water for five years now.
- St. Andrew’s, Pearland, TX last year sold 47.5 tons.
- St. Thomas Episcopal School, San Antonio, TX is also in.
- Grace Church, Alvin, TX actually won’t be selling pumpkins this year due to the extreme drought there over the past several months.