Henry Chadwick dies at 87
Anglicans may not have a Pope, but it did have Henry Chadwick until he died last week at 87. He is remembered as church historian, scholar, ecumenist and person of deep faith.
Anglicans may not have a Pope, but it did have Henry Chadwick until he died last week at 87. He is remembered as church historian, scholar, ecumenist and person of deep faith.
About seven in 10 of those surveyed said they believed that many religions can lead to eternal life and that there is more than one true interpretation of the teachings of their own religion. A majority of the members of almost every religious tradition agreed with those positions — including Southern Baptists and Catholics.
The GAFCON leadership has a list of eight people who are not welcome to observe the proceedings under any circumstances. The ban makes sense considering the refusal of the Primates at the conference to acknowledge and condemn violence against LGBT persons.
Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe hates the British, is violently homophobic and will do anything, including political assassination to stay in power. The Anglican Church is paying the price for standing with the people of Zimbabwe.
Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe, continues to arrest Christian leaders from many traditions and disrupt Christian organizations as his country prepares for the June 27 presidential runoff.
The AP writes that President Bush, on what is likely his last trip to Europe as president, said that going to church at the American Cathedral in Paris yesterday was “a joy.” We can’t help but agree.
The Bishop of Pittsburgh, Robert Duncan, has registered a new nonprofit Pennsylvania corporation named “Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh,” apparently so that he can claim that he is the rightful leader of the diocese in the event that he is deposed by the House of Bishops.
IntegrityUSA announces a “one-stop” online gateway for news and other information related to the witness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Anglicans in Canterbury, England,
The General Convention deputation from the Diocese of New York looks closely at the St. Andrew’s Draft of a proposed Anglican Covenant and finds some improvement but in the end focuses on the the potential dissolution of the Communion it seeks to preserve.
Episcopal Life Online reports that Executive Council, meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, proposed mission priorities for the 2010-2012 triennium.