Dixon and Vatican rep talk on CNN
Bishop Jane Holmes Dixon was on CNN-Europe discussing the recent Vatican decree that any Roman Catholic participating in the ordination of a woman would be
Bishop Jane Holmes Dixon was on CNN-Europe discussing the recent Vatican decree that any Roman Catholic participating in the ordination of a woman would be
The ministry division of the Church of England has released a report indicating that as many as half of the current parish clergy are unable
When Bishop Donald Harvey went shopping for a new Primate, he says that race, language and culture was a factor in his choice.
Christian Century describes the work of the Rev. Troy Perry, founder of the Metropolitan Community Church and a former Pentecostal minister, who worked over four decades to establish legal and religious rights for gays and lesbians before the California Supreme Court decided to give the “right to marry” to same-sex couples.
Douglas LeBlanc describes the encounter between Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and the clergy of the Diocese of South Carolina and thinks it is a good model for how conservatives can maintain their place in Episcopal Church.
The Archbishop of Canterbury and a Rabbi discuss the experience of disability with the BBC. Rowan Williams is totally deaf in one ear and Rabbi Lionel Blue talks about his epilepsy.
The second youngest bishop in the Episcopal Church was elected Saturday in Texas. The Rev. C. Andrew Doyle will, upon receiving the proper consents, be the ninth Bishop of Texas.
The Richmond Times-Dispatch has published two op-ed pieces that outline the essential arguments in the current court case of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Virginia vs. CANA and the Anglican District of Virginia.
Bishop Gene Robinson and Mark Andrew will have a civil union ceremony in June. Religious News Service spoke with Bishop Robinson about the ceremony and how this very personal day is a both a sign of hope and a cause for consternation, depending on who one speaks to, in the Anglican Communion.
A group of young people came to New York City to see first hand urban ministries and to refine their own sense of call. They