Author: John Chilton

Brian R. Seage, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi on HB 1523

The Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi stands as one with our brothers and sisters in the LGBT community and the Human Rights Campaign. We respect their painful journey as they have sought full inclusion in our society. Many of them share a Christian faith that is deep and profound. We should embrace their quest for equality and justice rather than placing obstacles in their pathway. – Bishop Seage

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St. John Coltrane Church faces eviction

Sunday Masses are built on a live performance of “A Love Supreme,” a 33-minute opus that saxophonist Coltrane wrote to express the awesomeness of God. The Rev. Franzo W. King, the church’s founder, archbishop and sax player, and his wife, Mother Marina King, started the church after attending a Coltrane show in 1965. They had what they call a sound baptism.

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Some at AIPAC boycott Trump

“We were disappointed but not surprised that Mr. Trump did nothing tonight to allay our deep concerns about his campaign. It still seems that he does not share our values of equality, pluralism, and humility.”

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Breakaway diocese falsely claims ACNA is part of Anglican Communion

In 2014 the Charleston Post and Courier, published an article referencing an Archbishop of Canterbury interview headlined Archbishop says ACNA not part of the Anglican Communion. The interview was conducted by the Church of Ireland Gazette: Justin Welby said, It is not part of the Anglican Communion … [ACNA is] a separate church.

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Some Canadian bishops threaten to leave if marriage equality passes General Synod

Bishop John Chapman, of the diocese of Ottawa, expressed frustration over what he said was an attempt on the part of some bishops to “blackmail” other bishops into choosing between the unity of the church and the dictates of their consciences. “A couple [of bishops] made it pretty clear that if this motion were to pass, they would seriously question their membership in the Anglican Church of Canada.” – Anglican Journal

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