Author: John B. Chilton

Letter by Christians noted in Muslim world

“I am happy with this letter, which is considered as an unprecedented step to bring the Islamic and Christian faiths and civilisations closer.” Speaking at a press conference held Monday at the Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation, Dr Habib Ali Al Jafri, Muslim propagator, said Muslims and Christians make up 55 per cent of the world’s population, and this new closeness serves as the first firm step towards returning to peace, brotherhood and harmony between people.

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Rowan Williams under quick burst attack

The Sunday Times chose to interpret the interview as an assualt on the United States as the “worst” imperialist nation, an accusation not made in the interview. Meanwhile, John Bolton, a former US ambassador known for his neocon views, launched a vitriolic attack on the archbishop and all critics of the US-led war on BBC Radio 4 Today.

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Relief response to Bangladesh cyclone

Episcopal Relief and Development is appealing for financial support to support its aid to the victims of the recent cyclone that hit Bangladesh. 7 million people have been uprooted and reports say the death toll may reach as high as 10,000. In the worst affected districts, the low-lying coastal regions, 90 per cent of homes and 95 percent of rice crops and prawn farms were obliterated by the 150 mph winds, which generated a 20ft tidal surge that swept everything from its path.

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Responses of the Primates to New Orleans communiqué

The Archbishop of Canterbury has written to Anglican Communion Primates and members of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) with a summary of their individual responses to the outcome of September House of Bishops meeting of the Episcopal Church (USA). He made it clear that he was not at this stage advancing his own interpretation of these responses.

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Rector invites entire congregation over for turkey

At Steve and Jean Keplinger’s Thanksgiving table, there will be turkey, ham and sauerkraut, mixed with traditional foods reflecting a potpourri of cultures. Nearly 200 people have been invited, and if you happen to show up, they’ll squeeze you in somehow. That the rector of St. David’s Episcopal Church has invited his entire congregation to dinner at home is not unusual….

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Anglican conference on peace in Korea

The driving force behind TOPIK (Towards Peace in Korea) is The Most Revd Francis Park, Primate of the Anglican Church of Korea (ACK). The conference is divided into three parts, each chaired by the Primate of one of the churches who have cooperated in preparing the Conference. The first element, chaired by the Most Revd Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the USA’s Episcopal Church, was a Peace Visit to North Korea – crossing through the demilitarised zone, the world’s most heavily fortified border.

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Stem cells and ethics

The new work shows that the direct reprogramming technique can also produce versatile cells that are genetically matched to a person. But it avoids several problems that have bedeviled the cloning approach. For one thing, it doesn’t require a supply of unfertilized human eggs, which are hard to obtain for research and subjects the women donating them to a surgical procedure. Using eggs also raises the ethical questions of whether women should be paid for them.

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Give thanks for free enterprise

After the Pilgrims had endured near-starvation for three winters, Bradford decided to experiment when it came time to plant in the spring of 1623. He set aside a plot of land for each family, that “they should set corne every man for his owne perticuler, and in that regard trust to themselves.”

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