Author: John B. Chilton

Diocese of Virginia and Truro settle

In several previous settlements, Anglican parishes that leased Episcopal property agreed to sever ties with all Anglican bodies during the term of the lease. Under today’s settlement, however, the parties have agreed that Truro Anglican will maintain its affiliation with the Anglican Church of North America and its Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic.

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In C of E, Anglican Covenant suffers another defeat

The London diocesan synod today voted against the Anglican Covenant. This brings to 24 the number of Church of England dioceses against; 22 dioceses against was sufficient to defeat the covenant and that number was reached this past weekend. The Church of England is, for now, an associate, not a constituent, member of the Anglican Communion — if we take Rowan Williams at his word.

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Rowan Williams interviewed

Coincidentally the Archbishop of Canterbury had on his calendar for today an interview on the occasion of an anniversary of the Fresh Expressions, an evangelism

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The Confederate battle flag on display at Episcopal cemetery

Coming right up to the rear of the church was a small cemetery. I noticed some of the graves red, white and blue flags, the kind of flag a child might wave at a veterans parade. Some of those red, white and blue flags were the American flag, but others were the Confederate battle flag.

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Freakonomists look at marriage

The share of 30- to 44-year-olds living as unmarried couples has more than doubled since the mid-1990s. Adults with lower levels of education are twice as likely to cohabit as those with college degrees. … The report also finds that greater economic well-being is associated with cohabitation for adults with college degrees, but not for those without college degrees.

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Neighbors draw on power of church

Jesus said, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

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ABC speaks in House of Lords about UK riots

I believe one of the most significant questions that we ought to be addressing in the wake of these deplorable events, is what kind of education we are interested in, for what kind of a society. Are we prepared to think not only about discipline in classrooms, but also about the content and ethos of our educational institutions – asking can we once again build a society which takes seriously the task of educating citizens, not consumers, not cogs in an economic system, but citizens.

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Celebrating Ramadan at the White House

The dinner is known as an “iftar,” and it breaks the daylong fast Muslims observe from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan. The tradition of hosting an iftar at the White House was begun by President Bill Clinton, and continued by George W. Bush. Referring to Islam’s lunar calendar Obama opened his speech by saying, “This year, Ramadan is entirely in August. That means the days are long, the weather is hot and you are hungry. So I will be brief.”

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