South African Anglicans face up to water crisis
The water crisis in Cape Town is prompting responses from all levels of the church in South Africa
The water crisis in Cape Town is prompting responses from all levels of the church in South Africa
Resolutions on becoming a sanctuary diocese, inclusion of transgender persons, and urging more inclusive language describing God in future BCP revisions all passed at recent diocesan convention
A year and a half after a devastating flood, St Francis Episcopal church returns to their own church and have their eyes set on expansion
Noted British Baptist minister, Steve Chalke, has been offering a series of short videos (Chalke Talks) challenging the assumptions and workings of modern Christianity. In the latest he calls out the way the Bible has been used as a cudgel that harms the well-being of LGBT+ persons.
A new, weekly podcast offering prayers, music and a reflection on the Sunday lectionary. In this episode, we talk about Jonah
The final version of council’s draft budget also includes increases for racial justice and reconciliation, and creation care.
Author and Priest Bill Miller hosting third annual Jazz in January in his Lousiana parish, drawing artists from around the world to play
Dr Laurent Mbanda, the outgoing Bishop of Shyira Diocese has been elected as the next Archbishop and Primate of the Province of the Anglican Church of Rwanda
CPG has sent a survey to over 8000 plan participants to gauge their preparedness for retirement and promised a donation to Episcopal Relief and Development for every survey response it receives.