Boston University creates new denominational program for Episcopalians
The School of Theology plans to open an Episcopal Learning Community to nurture and prepare Episcopal students for future leadership and service in and through the church.
The School of Theology plans to open an Episcopal Learning Community to nurture and prepare Episcopal students for future leadership and service in and through the church.
Mariner’s Church in Detroit set once again to mark lives lost on the Great Lakes as part of its annual Memorial Service
A convert tells the story of her journey; “My shocking radical turn, the most practical decision of my life, entailed breaking away from the only reality I had ever known, the collective conversation of which I was a part.”
The UMC’s pastor to the Appalachian Trail is nearing the end of his 2200 mile journey and celebrating his ministry to this unconventtional community
Martin Luther copycats have taken to posting protest statements at across English
The Bishop complains that they still have to talk about marriage equality while a resolution on eliminating the diocese’s own marriage canon defining marriage as only between a man and a woman is on the agenda.
As part of the Church’s Church Planting and Missional Development effort, Executive Council has awarded grants to ten new promising efforts
We welcome special guest Alex Haralson to talk about the pop culture item du jour, STRANGER THINGS and compare our thoughts on the adventures of the various characters and share our own stories of finding a spiritual home.
It’s the start of the third season. Spread the word: we’re back! And we kick off with two fantastic guests, the Rev. Paul Fromberg, and Mary Parmer
According to Archbishop and Primate Fred Hiltz, much of the conversation was about marriage equality. The Archbishop said that there were concerns expressed about the limitations of the General Synod legislative process and the general desire to have a robust conversation.