Pension Fund investing in affordable housing
As an anchor investor we hope to encourage others to invest in the affordable housing market, which could have a positive snowball effect and make a huge difference in the world.
As an anchor investor we hope to encourage others to invest in the affordable housing market, which could have a positive snowball effect and make a huge difference in the world.
The greatest potential for growth in a stewardship program is to be found in prayer and planning. The two go hand-in-hand. We discern and then we plan, so that, we can act.
New research project finds most people, religious or not, accept evolutionary theory. The religion/science conflict paradigm though is a view hold mostly by atheists with most religious people seeing no conflict between science and their beliefs.
Jesus said; “call no man father on earth, for you have one Father, the one in heaven” (Matthew 23:9). Yet, in the Episcopal Church, which has ordained women as priests for more than 40 years – 40 years! – male priests are still often called “Father.” As a result, the church has not developed forms of address that work for both male and female priests.
Luci and Jordan explore this great short story of a smart and courageous woman
When glass or glaze on clay cools, it sometimes crazes – a term for the tiny fractures in the glass which occur as the clay and the glass cool and shrink at different rates. Is it possible that this phenomenon happens in life too? When we have too much pressure applied to our lives, are there fractures?
Introducing “Fearless Meaning-Making” our new series on church fundraising. In this first post we talk about entering the stewardship campaign without fear.
The Task Force, formed by General Convention, has been hard at work fulfilling their mandate in time for action at the next General Convention
The seminary will present its Archbishop Ramsey award to Bishop Curry, whose invitation has been far more welcomed than his predecessor’s three years ago.
Six Episcopal bishops have joined an interfaith coalition to file an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case challenging the President’s travel ban aimed primarily at Muslims