Biblical Bethsaida unearthed?
Excavation of what is believed to be a Roman bathouse may be convincing evidence of the site of Biblical Bethsaida
Excavation of what is believed to be a Roman bathouse may be convincing evidence of the site of Biblical Bethsaida
We continue the conversation on the failings and successes of the transition process exploring how proven processes from businesses and non-profits have the potential to dramatically lower the costs and improve the results of TEC transition management.
Luci and Jordan are up to Second Kings in their journey through the Bible
It used to be the case that I disliked darkness…But as I age I am making friends with darkness; my old companion
In this episode we look under the rug at why bad behavior happens and look into ways to counter that
In the wake the State Supreme Court decision in favor of the continuing diocese, leaders are gathering to determine next steps
Though still a year away, applications for next year’s General Convention official youth presence are now being accepted.
Bishop Bruno is not the CEO of a commercial, for-profit company. The “asset” is a consecrated church that should be used for the glory of God and worship by a congregation, rather than sold to build condos and then left idle and useless after the sale fell through
“Something transpires in those moments. I honestly don’t know if it’s a passing breeze of the Holy Spirit or not, but I like to think it is. Either way, feeding another person in such an intimate manner can raise the hair on your arms or bring unexpected tears to your eyes. “
In this episode, Ahab and the infamous Jezebel