In this episode, Luci & Jordan take on the rape of Tamar
On retreat in Iona, Charles ponders the the birds of the air and the God who loves them
It’s our second annual summer book club episode! Greg, James, Liz, and Ricardo pitch their top three books to read this summer.
The church, in Norfolk, VA has seen increasing flooding in recent years. They may have been hoping these incidents were one-offs, but now the blinders are off and they have chosen to accept the reality of increasing sea level rise and increased flooding.
Rooted in the ACC’s “deep concern” about destructive behavior in churches of the Communion, the Commission was tasked with promoting the safety of people within the churches of the Anglican Communion
Spiritual Tourism is a half trillion dollar business in America and growing. Could this trend offer a way for us to rethink our efforts to offer meaning, connection and purpose to our neighbors?
In this episode, Saul and Jonathan are dead and now its time for David to really be the king
Continuing our conversation about the possibility of a new prayer book, longtime contributor George Clifford argues that we should ditch the “book” part of the BCP and go all digital
Betsy and Greg welcome special guests Ben Courchesne and Sarah Condon to talk about the new Hulu series, The Handmaid’s Tale. How is the religious dystopia of the fictional Gilead a reflection of our world today?
On Monday, June 5th the Episcopal Café will not be available while a week of work on our new site design begins. During that time, keep up with us on Facebook and Twitter.