Popping Collars #62: Where your treasure is
Greg, Liz, Betsy, and special guest Richard Lindsey join together to to take a look at the phenomenon of pop culture collections and the notion of kitsch
Greg, Liz, Betsy, and special guest Richard Lindsey join together to to take a look at the phenomenon of pop culture collections and the notion of kitsch
Episcopal “Godspellers” from Grace Episcopal in Gainesville, GA pull out a victory in creative fundraiser for local literacy group
After long conversation a proposal to allow full communion between the Episcopal Church and United Methodist church has been reached.
While at St Louis’s Washington University, the Presiding Bishop sat down for an interview with their in-house news magazine, Religion and Politics
The Episcopal Women’s Caucus has long been an advocate for justice and a change agent in the Episcopal Church. On June 22-23 the Caucus is convening “Women Rising” in Dallas, Texas to honor its history and to plan for the future.
But here’s the thing – we need to do more than stand for something. We need to move with it, too.
The 2FAB Bible guides take us through David’s relationship with Jonathan
My apocalyptic moment happened at a computer desk in a tiny studio apartment in the northern reaches of Manhattan, amid a clutter of papers and half-empty coffee cups. But it was no less earth-shattering than if an angel with a flaming sword showed up at the door delivering the news.
In my own life, and perhaps in yours, I find that I have an unqualified tour guide in my head when I am not living a balanced, centered and prayerful life.
Bishop Klusmeyer joins with other faith leaders calling upon the legislature to enact policies to help all people to thrive