Transformation not conversion
by George Clifford The theological term conversion has sufficiently troubled me that I have avoided using it for decades. Initially, this avoidance was
by George Clifford The theological term conversion has sufficiently troubled me that I have avoided using it for decades. Initially, this avoidance was
In baptism we promise to resist evil, but how do we know evil in our life and how do we best resist it? Here’s our top ten ways for resisting evil.
Andrew Gerns offers another perspective on the much-maligned proposal to create a list of pre-vetted candidates for bishop elections.
In this episode we continue on the Way of the Cross with stations 5 and 6 – “The Cross is laid on Simon of Cyrene” and “A woman wipes the face of Jesus”
OPINION: GC Task Force on Episcopacy is considering creation of a list of “pre-approved” candidates for bishop’s elections, which Frederick Schmidt argues is a perilous idea; a profound theological and spiritual mistake
The Atlantic has a new article titled “Breaking Faith” which argues that the decline in religious participation, rather than leading to lessening of the “culture wars,” has instead made possible a much more vicious cultural struggle rooted in race and tribal affiliation with little common ground on which to build reconciliation and renewal.
Among the books in the Bexley Hall Collection are early Bibles and Books of Common Prayer, early printings of works by Erasmus; and works of theology, philosophy, and travel. The collection includes over 25 sixteenth-century imprints and books from the presses of distinguished early printers such as Plantin, Elzevir, and Froben.
It’s all about the Enneagram in this episode, featuring our interview with Ian Morgan Cron, author of Chasing Francis and The Road Back to You.
In this episode we’re looking at conversion and we welcome our first ever guest, Dr Duane Miller, to talk about his research and new book on Muslim conversions to Christianity; Living Among the Breakage: Contextual Theology-Making and ex-Muslim Christians.
Luci and Jordan continue through Judges with Jepthah and his daughters