How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Episcopalians
“Come on in,” a friendly woman waved me forward. “There are plenty of seats left!” There were more than plenty. There were all of them.
“Come on in,” a friendly woman waved me forward. “There are plenty of seats left!” There were more than plenty. There were all of them.
the Colorado mountains feel like an icon of sorts. They feel like a statue of God – always there, cross-legged- always massive, always quiet, always watching and always pouring down with fresh, clean, blue water to nourish the wilderness
Betsy, Greg, Michelle, and Ricardo look back at their personal pop culture blind spots and discuss the importance of things that we miss out on and why.
In this episode, Luci & Jordan walk through Stations 3 & 4 (Jesus falls for the first time & Jesus meets his mother) of the Way of the Cross
Jordan and Luci take a look at the two first stations; Jesus is condemned and Jesus takes up his cross
Sportswear giant Nike has introduced a sports hijab on International Women’s Day. Many Muslim female athletes seem thrilled; but responses aren’t universally positive
Continuing the saga of Gilead and Abimelech
Journey Together at The Abundant Table Farm (JT@theAT) is a farm-based community for people of all ages from all churches or no church, with an emphasis in supporting youth and their families. Through joyful connection on the farm with land, food, neighbor and God, participants are supported in becoming grateful, compassionate, and justice-oriented stewards of the Earth and each other.
The bright reflection of light in diamonds is not just about the light. Nor is it just about the color refraction. Nor is it about the magic of the cutter’s skills or the setter’s craft or the polisher’s stone. It is also about wiping off the mud and gore which splashes onto the diamond. And onto our lives.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry joined the leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in issuing an Ash Wednesday message titled Remember the Refugees and Migrants.