An African Shepherd, Too Many Girl Saints, and A Toddler-Priest
“Now I baptize you,” she said, and “sprayed” water on me with her Duplo fire hose. She forgot the words, but touched my forehead, gave me her feather, and said, “Here’s your candle.”
“Now I baptize you,” she said, and “sprayed” water on me with her Duplo fire hose. She forgot the words, but touched my forehead, gave me her feather, and said, “Here’s your candle.”
What if some guy over in the middle east were Jesus’ millionth cousin five hundredth removed? What if the people we think are our enemies are Jesus’ family?
In this seasonal mini-episode, Luci and Jordan look at how Christmas came to be fixed on December 25th.
State Department approves plan by Episcopal Migration Ministries to resettle refugees in Charleston, WV
GAFCON sends a disturbing email to ACNA members letting them know that they are being watched
Evangelicals of color question the commitment of their white counterparts to Christian values and concerns
Luci and Jordan look at the odd and lonely stories of Miriam and Moses’ Cushite wife and the exploration of Canaan
Two strawmen are often lightning rods for Christian efforts to keep Christ at the heart of Christmas. These strawmen are irrelevant distractions.
Might it be true that the great threat of God becoming human, as a baby who becomes an anarchist rather than a priest, is that in the incarnation, God threatens the church and her power-mongers, annually?