Author: Jon White

Who even likes the word “rule” anyway?!

And so I have a Rule of Life. If Rules are not my thing, perhaps we change the name…to…”daily thoughts for life,” or … “letters of encouragement to myself,” or … “I keep making poor choices because I want to live my own way but I hate the real results of my poor choices so I wish I had a reminder of how I want to live my life on some key topics.” But that last one seems long.

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Freedom and subjection

THE MAGAZINE   by George Clifford   We humans value freedom for at least two reasons. First, the idea of freedom is integral to our

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Church in Wales kinda sorta publishes blessing for same-sex couples

The bishops of the Church in Wales have published a pastoral letter (and a series of prayers) addressed to their LGBT members. Recognizing the contentiousness of the debate and a history of discrimination, the bishops have tried to both affirm LGBT members and their relationships while also acknowledging a political inability to move beyond the status quo.

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Fifty years since Time magazine asked: “Is God dead?”

Fifty years ago, Time asked whether the idea of God had run its course and lost any real sense of authority. Reflecting on the rise of communism with its commitment to atheism, the horror of the Holocaust and the workings of the Vatican II, Time wondered if there was any future in the idea of real and relevant God;

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Forty weeks in the wilderness

St James the Great in Newport Beach, CA marks one year since they were told that their congregation would be closed and building sold and forty weeks since they have refused to disappear, growing in numbers and spirit.

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in the garden of our spiritual lives

The mist was only a few feet high. I sat down so as to be engulfed in the mist – it was like entering a moist, foggy world where vision was nearly impossible – and mysterious. Then I stood up and my head pushed back up into the clarity above the mist, and I could see shapes and colors and beauty again at a long distance.

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A God en-fleshed

So our journey to Easter begins with a reminder of our mortality and takes us our own dusty end to what is truly stark in the Gospel narrative, the insistence, even in resurrection joy, that Jesus himself suffered as brutal and painful death at others’ hands as the worst we read in the news. And there’s flesh all along the journey until we come to Lazarus’ corpse stinking in his tomb and the woman washing Jesus’ feet.

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